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Primary School

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Pastoral Support

Here at Heathlands Primary School we are committed to supporting and improving the social, emotional and mental health of our children, families and staff.    


Within our school staff we have

  • a Mental Health First Aider to run alongside our First Aiders and Paediatric First Aiders
  • an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
  • an Emotions Coach
  • and a Drawing and Talking Therapy Practitioner.  


This allows us to positively support all of our children’s emotional health and wellbeing.  We are able to pro-actively target any specific needs, tailoring support to those that require that little something extra, allowing all children to access, enjoy and thrive to the fullest during their time at Heathlands.


In addition, we invite some external experts in to work with our children, including;

  • The lovely Harry - Our Paws and Read Therapy dog who visits once a week to read with our children.   Not only helping to improve the child’s reading standard, but helping with their self-confidence, self-esteem, behaviour and social and emotional welfare too.
  • Think Children – Who provide vital early help for primary school children in Nottinghamshire who are struggling to cope with emerging emotional, social and/or behavioural issues.