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Primary School

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Breakfast and After School Club price increase

Summer Term Clubs 2023-24

Summer Term Diary Dates 2023-24

Spring Term Dates 2024

NSPCC Speak Out, Stay safe

Y4, Y5, Y6 Games Club

'Seeing is Believing' Events

Information on Educational Visits

F2 and Y6 - National Child Measurement Programme 2023 (NCMP)

Year 5 - National Coal Mining Museum

Autumn Term Dates 2023-24

Halloween Disco 2023

School Photos 2023

Summer Holiday FUNZONE 2023

Summer Term Dates - Update

Father's Day Breakfast 2023

Y6 and Y6 Production 2023

Summer Term Clubs

Y6 Trip to Holocaust Centre

Termly Learning Celebrations (TLC's)

World Book Day 2023

UKHSA Scarlet Fever Letter to Parents

Christmas Hampers - The Social Action Hub

Festive Dates 2022

Y5 Visit to the National Coal Mining Museum 2022

Halloween Disco 2022

School Photos 2022

Year 1 - Educational Walk into Rainworth

Y6 - End of Year 2022

Y2 'Seeing is Believing'

Year 3 Residential 2022

Parent Events, including Christmas Performances – Covid-19

Flu Vaccination Programme 2021

Festive Dates 2021

Autumn 1 Lower School Newsletter

Heathlands High 5 2021-22

Reading Challenge 2021-22

Water Bottles

School Coronavirus Measures Sept 2021

Sports Day and Varsity Week July 2021

Easter Sports Camps 2021

Returning to School Monday 8th March 2021

Covid-19: Information for parents and carers about childcare settings during the National Lockdown in England 2021

School Meal Price Increase 04.02.21

Care for a Neighbour Project 2020

Messages from Mr Walker and Mrs Morgan

Important Dates 2020-21

Holiday Clubs - Feb Half Term

Flu Vaccinations - Parent Letter and Leaflet
