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Primary School

Aspiration Courage Respect Kindness Responsibility Pride

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Have your say!

We hold regular meetings with parents/carers throughout the year to hear their thoughts and views on the school and school developments - such as Head Teacher Coffee Mornings and Termly Learning Celebrations (Parent-Teacher Meetings). We also undertake a general survey of parents/carers on an annual basis to provide us with feedback that supports our strategic decisions for the school. You can see the results of these below.


However, please don't wait until these events to speak to us.

  • Teachers are contactable by email or through the school office - text message or phonecall or arrange a face to face meeting.
  • A senior Leader is always available on the playground everyday before and after school. Please come and say hello!

Parent/Carer Questionnaire Results - Spring 2023

Parent/Carer Questionnaire - Spring 2020
