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Primary School

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There are 4 Houses within Heathlands Primary School - Admiral, Emperor, Monarch and Peacock (named after butterflies). The Houses form a focus for school life in many ways; academic, social, sporting and leadership. All children are put into a House and earn points for their houses on a daily basis by demonstrating our school Values - in the classroom, on the playground, on the sports field or in the community. 


Our Year 6 children apply to be House Captains and Sports Captains for their Houses, taking RESPONSIBILITY for leading their Houses through the year. Family members automatically go into the same House.


Awards are given on a weekly basis for the winning House and for individual children with the most Value Points; children can also collect Value Point awards when they reach certain milestones. The House with the most Value Points at the end of the year wins the House Trophy and a trip to Alton Towers!


Friday is our Celebration Assembly (weekly at 9.10am) - we extend an open invitation to all parents and carers to come along to this assembly and celebrate the week's achievements with us!

Click on the Houses below to see the current points total:-
