Heathlands is an academy within the East Midlands Education Trust (EMET). More information on trust governance can be found by following this link the the EMET website:
Our local governance arrangements within East Midlands Education Trust comprise of a 'Strategic Board' of governors that oversee both Heathlands Primary School and Blidworth Oaks Primary School. Each school also has it's own 'Education and Standards Board', a sub-committee of governors that reports to the Strategic Board.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Our school governors, including the Chair of the Strategic Board, can be contacted at the following email address: or by writing to the school addressing the letter directly to the 'Chair of Governors'. Alternatively, if you would like a governor to contact you directly, please call into our school office.
The School's Child Protection and Safeguarding Link Governor is: Mr Andy Patrick
Minutes are taken for all governing body meetings and are available to the public on request.
Information regarding school finances are also available on request.
If you require any of the above, please contact the school office on
Our Mission, Vision and Values
Please click the internal link below to find a our Mission, Vision and Values for our school and our wider schools - The Blidworth and Rainworth Primary School Partnership