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Primary School

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Important Information for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

The information and links on this page will hopefully hope you and your children prepare for the 2024-2025 academic year. You will also find further information on our website, such as information on uniform and our curriculum.

School Start/End Times


All pupils will now start school at 8:50am. Classroom doors will open at 8:45am each day and close at 8:50am so that registers can be taken and a prompt start to the day can be made. End time for all pupils will be 3:20pm.


Full time children (Foundation 2 to Year 6) are expected to attend school for 32.5 hours per week. 


Sessions in F1 will run from 8:50am until 11:50am or from 12:20pm until 3:20pm for an afternoon place. Those F1 pupils eligible for 30 hours will start at 8:50am and end at 3:20pm in line with the rest of school.


For information regarding individual classes and teachers, please follow these internal links:

Links to other information:
